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ArangoDB software

ArangoDB - releases history

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Version Change log
ArangoDB 3.11.8 Mar 13, 2024
ArangoDB 3.11.4 Oct 19, 2023
ArangoDB 3.7.10 Mar 19, 2021 Reasonably harden MoveShard against unexpected VelocyPack input.
Follower DB servers will now respond with error code
to any read request. This fixes inadequate HTTP 404 responses from followers,
e.g. during chaos tests.
Fixed Github issue #13632: Query Fails on Upsert with Replace_nth.
Updated arangosync to 1.2.3.
Backported AQL sort performance improvements from devel.
This change can improve the performance of local sorts operations, e.g.
ArangoDB 3.7.2 Aug 27, 2020 Fixed internal issue #744: LIMIT with only offset and constrained heap optimization will use estimation value for ArangoSearch views.
Make UPSERT statement with collection bind parameter behave identical to its non-bind parameter counterpart.
For example, the query
FOR d IN ["key_1", "key_2", "key_3", "key_1"] UPSERT d INSERT d UPDATE d IN @@collection
would fail with "unique constraint violation" when used with a collection bind parameter, but the equivalent query
FOR d IN ["key_1", "key_2", "key_3", "key_1"] UPSERT d INSERT d UPDATE d IN collectionName
with a hard-coded collection name would succeed. This is now fixed so both queries have the same behavior (no failure) in single server.
Updated arangosync to 0.7.10.
Fixed internal issue #742: Add tick storage in index meta payload for ArangoSearch view links after collection truncate operation.
Fixed issue #12304: insert in transaction causing com.arangodb.ArangoDBException: Response: 500, Error: 4 - Builder value not
yet sealed.
ArangoDB 3.6.4 Jun 1, 2020 Web UI is now using pre-compiled templates.
Fixed an issue with truncate of a collection after a dbserver was restarted very quickly. This could block arangosync from making progress because the jobs collection could no longer be truncated.
Fixed issue #11652: Error: AQL: missing variable #2 (1) for node #6 FilterNode) while planning registers.
Update OpenLDAP to 2.4.50.
Fixed issue ES-545: failing modification operations led to random crashes with "Index out of bound" error message.
Fixed edge cases in RocksDB primary index range lookups for operators >= and <.
Fixed issue #11525: Address security vulnerability by updating Swagger-UI dependency (upgraded Swagger UI to 3.25.1).
Updated arangosync to 0.7.5.
Fixed ability to edit graph edge in Graph Viewer of web UI.
Fixed issue #10371: For k-shortest-paths queries on certain graphs a condition to abort search was too eager and hence missed the shortest path between two vertices and returned a longer one.
ArangoDB 3.6.3 Apr 23, 2020 Legacy behaviour for maintenance mode in supervision.
Fix the usage of the AQL functions `CALL` and `APPLY` for calling user-defined AQL functions when invoking an AQL query from the arangosh or a client application.
Previously, invoking an AQL query and using the `CALL` or `APPLY` AQL functions
to call user-defined AQL function caused undefined behavior.
ArangoDB 3.6.2 Mar 12, 2020 Legacy behaviour for maintenance mode in supervision.
Fix the usage of the AQL functions `CALL` and `APPLY` for calling user-defined AQL functions when invoking an AQL query from the arangosh or a client application.
Previously, invoking an AQL query and using the `CALL` or `APPLY` AQL functions
to call user-defined AQL function caused undefined behavior.
ArangoDB 3.6.1 Feb 3, 2020 Do not create a reboot tracker for empty serverId ubin sync repl.
Update swagger.
ArangoDB 3.6.0 Jan 8, 2020 Do not create a reboot tracker for empty serverId ubin sync repl.
Update swagger.
ArangoDB 3.5.3 Dec 2, 2019 Fixed GET _api/gharial to also include the name property in every returned graph. This is a consistency fix within the API as all other APIs include the name. As a work around the returned _key can be used, which is identical to the name.
The _users collection is now properly restored when using arangorestore.
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