Version | Change log |
C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel 2022.12.1092 Dec 8, 2022 |
New WorkSheet.PhysicalColumnCount and WorkSheet.PhysicalRowCount properties
Improved IntelliSense documentation Fixes: WorkBook.ExportToHtml throws an exception due to un-indexed colors in the document An exception is thrown upon loading .XLSX files with specific WebPublishing settings And more |
C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel 2021.11.0 Oct 29, 2021 | New Release of the C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel Tutorial. Release for .NET core and Framework using C# and VB.NET |
C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel 2020.6.0 Jun 8, 2020 | New Release of the C# Open Excel File and Write to Excel Tutorial. Release for .NET core and Framework using C# and VB.NET |