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Calendar Magic - releases history

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Version Change log
Calendar Magic 19.1 May 16, 2017 Time Zones and DST:
Updated the time zone and DST information for the island of Cyprus. Northern locations under Turkish control are in the UTC + 3 time zone and do not use DST. The remainder of the island is in the UTC + 2 time zone but does use DST. Note that, in order to distinguish between locations in the northern Turkish controlled area and those in the southern area, the letters "NC" have been appended to locations in North Cyprus and "SC" to those in South Cyprus.
Corrected the DST rules for various Mexican cities and towns. All cities and towns in Baja California follow the DST start and end dates for the USA, as do Ensenada, La Paz and Tecate. In addition, Wai Hui identified a few other Mexican locations requiring Time Zone and/or DST updates.
Wai Hui also cast his eagle eye over the Time Zone and DST information for Canada, Russia and the USA, leading to a substantial number of corrections - an extremely impressive piece of work by one user for the benefit of others.
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