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Calibre Portable - releases history

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Version Change log
Calibre Portable 7.25.0 Feb 7, 2025 New features:
Allow setting custom icons for items in the Tab browser by right clicking on them and choosing "Manage icon for this value"
Kindle driver: Allow import of KFX files from 2024 Kindles that use the MTP protocol
A new tweak in Preferences->Tweaks to control the East Asian language used when transliterating to English
Add an option to adjust the size of the link and note icons in Book details under Preferences->Look & feel->Book details
Bug fixes:
Nook driver: Fix the Glowlight 4 not working on Windows
MTP driver: Fix Internal storage and SD card being swapped on some devices that have buggy firmware that assigns the SD card a lower id than the internal storage
Template dialog: Respect the tweak for title/series when editing save to disk and send to device templates
Content server: Fix icons for individual formats not being shown in the Tag browser
New news sources:
Alternatives Economiques by Kabonix
Zerodeux by Kabonix
Afrique XXI by Kabonix
Orient XXI by Kabonix
Contretemps by Kabonix
Faz.net by Anonymous
Moview Web and Football League World by SpicyPoison
Improved news sources:
Arret sur images
Le Canard Enchaine
Foreign Affairs
Calibre Portable 7.23.0 Dec 20, 2024 Content server: Allow managing the data files associated with a book by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the book's page and choosing "Manage data files"
Edit metadata dialog: Allow right clicking on the cover to view it in a popup window at larger size
Add an option to expand the Tag browser tree to show the item that was current when the library was closed
Add import and export stored template to Preferences / template functions
Various Quality-of-Life improvements to the dialog used to edit columns with fixed sets of values
Resolve doi.org links when pasting identifiers
Bug fixes:
Viewer: Fix some HTMLZ files not opening on some systems
Amazon metadata plugin: Update for changed markup for some books on amazon search results page
New news sources:
Le Canard Enchaine by Kabonix
Improved news sources:
Irish Times
Popular Science
ACM Queue
Calibre Portable 7.22.0 Nov 29, 2024 New features:
E-book viewer: Read Aloud: Add an option to control the position of the popup control bar. It can now be placed along the top or bottom edges so as to overlap less with text.
System tray menu: Add action to restart calibre
Tolino driver: Support new firmware
Bug fixes:
Windows: Enable popup OS notifications even when system tray icon is disabled to match behavior on other platforms. Notifications can be disabled via Preferences->Look & feel->Disable notifications on job completion
Fix a regression that caused incorrect English transliteration of Japanese text even when the UI language is set to Japanese
macOS: Dark mode: Fix a regression that caused the scrollbar to no longer be transient
DOCX Input: When some text has multiple footnotes insert a space between the consecutive foot note numbers so that they are distinct
DOCX Input: Fix ToC nesting not working if the styles for the ToC levels dont use integer margins
E-book viewer: Fix spurious chapter transition after configuring Read aloud
PDF Input: Fix reflow of lines in files with little text not working
New news sources:
Economist News by unkn0wn
Improved news sources:
Indian Express
Economist World Ahead
Calibre Portable 7.21.0 Nov 8, 2024 New features:
Edit book: A new tool to create an audio overlay in EPUB files for all text using the Read aloud facility
This allows readers of the book to listen to it with sentence tracking, even if they do not have a functioning text-to-speech system in the reading software. You can even assign different voices to different parts of the text for a more immersive experience. The tool is available from the Tools menu in the book editor.
Dark mode: make scrollbar more visible with higher contrast and rounded corners
E-book viewer: In flow mode when scrolling across internal file boundaries using the mouse wheel/touchpad have a short half second pause to ease the transition. Can be controlled via the Scrolling section of the Viewer preferences.
ebook-meta.exe: Add an option to disallow rendered cover of first page for EPUB
Book details: Add an action to download the cover to the context menu when right clicking the cover
Read aloud: Add a restore defaults button to the configuration dialog Auto adding: Allow excluding arbitrary file types not just known book file types Edit metadata dialog: Add an action to open the book's folder to the context menu of the formats list
Bug fixes:
Read aloud: Fix only first 32000 characters per chapter being read Content server: Read aloud: Fix clicking on a word to skip reading aloud to that word causing word highlighting to stop working
Linux: Handle speech dispatcher with dummy output module and no voices more gracefully
When renaming authors fix empty author folder not being removed if it contained file explorer metadata but was otherwise empty
Edit metadata dialog: Fix keyboard shortcuts to edit prev/next raising an error when trying to go beyond the first/last book
Linux: ToC Editor: Fix a regression in 7.17 that broke using the Create new entry button Content server: Fix changing the language of a book not working for non-English user interface language and for books that have no existing language
Linux: Read aloud with Piper: F
Calibre Portable 7.20.0 Oct 18, 2024 New features:
PDF Input: Automatic header/footer detection and removal
A new, dedicated PDF Input engine for calibre that implements automatic detection of headers and footers based on document analysis. The new engine is the default to go back to using the old engine, select it in the PDF Input section of the Conversion dialog.
Read Aloud: Allow configuring an extra pause at the end of every sentence when using the Piper TTS engine
PDF Output: Add _WIDTH_PIXELS_ and _HEIGHT_PIXELS_ variables to know the width and height of the header/footer area in templates
Windows: Use calibre's bundled SSL certificates instead of the system certificate store by default
Can be turned off via CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_CERTIFICATES=1 env var
Trim image tool: Add a control to adjust aspect ratio
Kobo driver: Add support for the new firmware used by the Tolino Shine 5
Bug fixes:
Fix a regression in previous release that broke copying of book to another library if the books author does not exist in the destination database
Read aloud: Piper backend: Fix not working with voices whose names have non-ASCII characters on Windows.
Content server: Fix book with non-ASCII filenames not downloading in the Kindle browser when using the /mobile view
Content server: Fix embedding the server HTML inside a third party iframe causing an error
New news sources:
NYT Magazine by unkn0wn
RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland by epubli
Improved news sources:
The Wire
Nikkei Asia Magazine
National Geographic
Science Journal
Times Literary Supplement
Saechsische Zeitung
India Today
Scientific American
Calibre Portable 7.19.0 Sep 27, 2024 New features:
E-book viewer: Halve the time taken to open large EPUB format books for the first time
A four hundred thousand word EPUB book now opens in under a second on typical hardware.
PDF new engine: Improve header/footer detection
For column icons and grid view emblems, support icons for both light and dark themes
News downloads: Mark links to locally available articles with a middle-dot
When saving a layout also save the main window geometry
Bug fixes:
Windows: Read Aloud: Fix an occasional crash when stopping read aloud when using the legacy windows TTS engine
Windows: Read Aloud: Fix clicking in text to change what is being read causing tracking of currently read word to fail when using the legacy Windows TTS engine
Read aloud: Fix reading large numeric words causing text synchronization to fail when using some legacy TTS engines
EPUB3 metadata: Fix setting series number to zero not working
Comic Input: Handle comics whose internal files have control codes in their filenames
E-book viewer: Fix a regression that broke searching in Japanese books that use <ruby> text
E-book viewer: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke Read aloud for selected text
Amazon metadata plugin: Workaround for downloads failing because Google discontinued its webcache
Cover grid: Suppress the 2px border Qt draws for the list view
New news sources:
NYT News based on feeds by unkn0wn
Improved news sources:
NY Times
NYT Book Review
Courrier International
Le Monde
TLS Magazine
Scientific American
Calibre Portable 7.17.0 Aug 23, 2024 New features:
E-book viewer: Support for jumping to and displaying paper edition page numbers
If an e-book contains embedded information about the pages from the paper edition of the book, the calibre E-book viewer can now jump to a page number via the Go to button in the viewer controls. You can also optionally have the current paper edition page number displayed in the header/footer by adding "Pages from paper edition" to either the header or footer in the viewer settings.
Edit book: When text is selected allow changing the indentation of all lines in the selection by pressing Tab to increase one level or Shift+Tab to decrease one level
Allow a plugboard to change the series_index as well as the series name.
News download: News recipes can now optionally use browser engines based on either Qt or Chromium network stacks instead of mechanize
Email delivery: When sending emails to Kindles do not convert filenames to English letters as Amazon appears to have finally fixed their email servers to handle non-English filenames
Quickview: Add a tooltip displaying the full cell contents
Bug fixes:
Update the version of the Qt toolkit bundled with calibre to the latest available, fixing some crashes on macOS related to accessibility tools
Edit book: Fix searching marking incorrect text in the presence of non-BMP unicode characters
Conversion: Do not embed a second copy of a font when using the option to embed font family if the font is already embedded in the book
calibredb list: Fix a regression in the previous release that required setting --template-header to empty to use the list command
Tolino driver: Fix books from the Tolino cloud not being listed
Windows: Book details panel: Fix selection not visible when using the system default theme
Hide the Virtual library tab bar in device view as it is non-functional
New news sources:
GaGadget by bugmen00t
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin by unkn0wn
Science Journal by unkn0wn
Improved news sources:
Jot Down
Various Russia
Calibre Portable 7.15.0 Jul 19, 2024 New features:
Fetch news: Allow individual news sources to specify source specific options such as downloading of past editions
Bug fixes:
Windows: MTP driver: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused an error with some devices
Icon theme creation dialog: Fix various issues when creating an icon theme with many icons that have light/dark variants
New news sources:
WSJ News by unkn0wn
Improved news sources:
Calibre Portable 7.12.0 May 31, 2024
Calibre Portable 7.11.0 May 25, 2024
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