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Easy-PC - releases history

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Version Change log
Easy-PC Mar 20, 2025 Programmode "Service" should not show dialog with differences/errors in type
Crash when changing model in subdrawing
Toolbars display issues on remote desktop connection
Componenetdatadialog must give option to copy text from TYPE
"Component search" does not show polish language in description
Insufficient information when attempting to connect to incompatible database (missing indexes)
Export user settings: PCSSetfile from V22 can make wrong paths in some cases
Mouse over in SQL-database fields for accessories may cause crash when data is in wrong format
Placing a subdrawing may in rare cases lead to changed article numbers in the project
Component Wizard: There was a crash when clicking the "all fields" button
Picking a wire with article data from the pick menu could cause a crash
Component data: Cross refernces on PLCs didn't work with 'Type' visible
AUTO-8143 We have changed and added symbols for Building, Misc and PLC
Crash when double clicking outside the grid on the accessory tab in Component data
Easy-PC Jan 27, 2025 Componentguide: Crash when clicking "all fields"
Crash when picking a wire with article data from the pick menu (in some cases)
Componentdata: Error when making Type visible
Symbol placed, can't be deleted again.
Craswh when clicking on new referencedesignation
Update of subdrawings and projects to "current" version
PLC with alterntive did not place correctly.
Crash when doubleclicking in empty accessory-field
Problem with right selection of alternatives when IO symbol is placed first
Easy-PC 27.0 Nov 1, 2023
Easy-PC 25.0 Jan 10, 2022
Easy-PC 24.0 Feb 2, 2021 Some improvements have been made to projects:
· There is a new General Preference to allow any changes to the properties of a net and net class can now be propagated to the other sheets in the project. Also adding a net or net class to a sheet will take the properties from that net if it exists in another sheet.
· The Display dialog for a schematic design that is part of a project will now include an additional option to apply the changes to all sheets. This includes net colours for the nets present in the active design.
· In the Nets dialog you can now add all the user-defined nets from all other schematic designs in the project to the current schematic design being edited.
· Pasting a net into a schematic sheet now displays the Paste Net dialog if the net already exists in the project regardless of whether or not it is actually defined in the current sheet.
· New Preference to open all sheets when opening a project.
Easy-PC 15.0.6 May 31, 2012 Some improvements have been made to projects:
· There is a new General Preference to allow any changes to the properties of a net and net class can now be propagated to the other sheets in the project. Also adding a net or net class to a sheet will take the properties from that net if it exists in another sheet.
· The Display dialog for a schematic design that is part of a project will now include an additional option to apply the changes to all sheets. This includes net colours for the nets present in the active design.
· In the Nets dialog you can now add all the user-defined nets from all other schematic designs in the project to the current schematic design being edited.
· Pasting a net into a schematic sheet now displays the Paste Net dialog if the net already exists in the project regardless of whether or not it is actually defined in the current sheet.
· New Preference to open all sheets when opening a project.
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