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Version Change log
Frink 2025-03-27 Mar 29, 2025 The method image.autocrop[levels=3] now takes an optional positive integer argument that determines how different that border pixels can be when autocropping. This may need to be increased as high as, say, 127 for JPEG images with lots of artifacts.
Frink 2025-02-11 Feb 12, 2025 Added baseUnitNames[] function which returns an array of names of the base units in a known order. For example, this normally returns [m, s, kg, A, K, dollar, mol, bit, cd].
Added baseDimensionNames[] function which returns an array of names of the base dimensions in a known order. For example, this normally returns [length, time, mass, current, temperature, currency, amount_of_substance, information, luminous_intensity].
Frink 2025-02-09 Feb 9, 2025 Behavior change: Command-line argument parsing has slightly changed to match the documentation. Now, any arguments following the name of the Frink program to execute are passed to the Frink program without further processing. This was how it was documented, but the previous behavior would incorrectly continue processing arguments intended for the Frink program as if they were intended as options to the Frink interpreter. This meant, for example, that you couldn't have a -u option to a Frink program because it was consumed by the interpreter's argument parsing (which interprets -u to specify a units file.) This only affects arguments that had meaning to the Frink parser.
Added apply[function, argList] to more safely allow application of a function to an array of arguments. See the Anonymous Functions section of the documentation.
An anonymous function can now be declared and immediately applied to its arguments by enclosing them in square brackets after the declaration. This is beginning to reek of the dreaded lambda calculus, but is here for symmetry. See the Anonymous Functions section of the documentation.
Anonymous functions are now output differently in output form. They should now look like the definition of the anonymous function, as in inputForm, not the previous format function[args].
Added a formatTableBoxedHeavy function which can format a table with heavy Unicode box-drawing characters separating the cells. See the Formatting Tables section of the documentation for details.
Updated some sanity checks and optimizations to handle Java versions up to 25.
Released a new version of Frink: The Next Generation (version 2025-02-09). This merges all changes from the main branch.
Frink 2025-01-01 Jan 1, 2025 Updated copyright dates for 2025. Happy New Year!
Updated sanity checks to 2025 for economic routines.
Updated calculations and predictions for deltaT for 2025. It is currently hardcoded to 69.230 s.
Frink 2024-11-30 Dec 1, 2024 Added string functions startsWith[string, prefix], startsWith[string, prefix, startPos], and endsWith[string, suffix] to test if a string starts or ends with the specified substrings. For more information, see the Substrings section of the documentation.
Added a couple algorithms to Graph.frink
countConnected[startNode] which simply counts nodes connected to the specified node.
shorten[] which simplifies a graph that has lots of long runs (like a maze with long hallways) to only include the decision points. This greatly simplifies finding shortest paths in some instances.
Frink 2024-11-08 Nov 9, 2024 Rewrote the code for U.S. historical currency conversions to handle the new, even sillier changes in the file here. The maintainers of the site changed the efficient, easily-parsed text file into a useless HTML file that is 10 times larger and will cost everyone more time and money to download. And now only half of the table is populated by JavaScript for some weird reason. They said this is "to make the table more accessible for our users."
Frink 2024-11-03 Nov 4, 2024 Added a function nthPrime[n] which returns the nth prime number (indexed from 1, that is, nthPrime[1] returns 2 and nthPrime[2] return 3.)
Fixed the chunks function when there isn't even enough data to fill a single chunk.
Released a new version of Frink: The Next Generation (version 2024-10-20). This merges all changes from the main branch.
Frink 2024-10-22 Oct 23, 2024 Added a function nthPrime[n] which returns the nth prime number (indexed from 1, that is, nthPrime[1] returns 2 and nthPrime[2] return 3.)
Fixed the chunks function when there isn't even enough data to fill a single chunk.
Released a new version of Frink: The Next Generation (version 2024-10-20). This merges all changes from the main branch.
Frink 2024-10-07 Oct 8, 2024 Greatly reduced the memory usage and increased the performance of the charList function.
Released a new version of Frink: The Next Generation (version 2024-10-07). This merges all changes from the main branch.
Frink 2024-10-03 Oct 4, 2024 Added joinstr function to join elements of an array with no space separating elements. This is equivalent to join["", array]
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