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Lightwright software

Lightwright - releases history

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Version Change log
Lightwright 6.0.51 Build Aug 13, 2024 NEW FEATURES IN THIS VERSION:
Added tooltips to worksheet and layout controls.
Revised Help menu, with direct links to support pages at lightwright.com.
The list of recently-opened files has been moved from the bottom of the File menu to File/Open Recent.
The Live Count window now shows the short version of instrument type and accessory names.
The Live Count window now shows a lock icon next to any family header stock quantity that was manually entered by the user.
Example: If you do not set a stock quantity on a family parent row, then Lightwright calculates the total stock quantity by
adding up the child quantities. However, if you have more lens barrels available than bodies, you may choose to set the parent
stock quantity as the total number of bodies. Say there is a “S4” family parent row with three children “S4-10” with 10 in stock,
“S4-19” with 10 in stock, and “S4-26” with 10 in stock, but you have only 25 bodies, so you put that into the parent row stock
quantity. When you do that, the Live Count window shows a lock in that quantity cell as a reminder that the total of the child
entries in stock may not agree with the parent quantity. LWB-460
The Maintenance windows for Instrument Types and Accessories will also show a lock icon when you have a stock quantity in a
family header row.
The column order of all stock counts now matches the column order of the Live Count window.
When you change the device type of a maintenance list row, the list now sorts itself to keep device types together.
In the Wheel window, doing a contextual click on a picture in a wheel’s hole now offers a Remove Picture choice.
Lightwright now checks for updates once a week instead of every day.
Automated actions no longer include any Limit that was in effect when the action was saved.
BUGS FIXED (Multiple BugIDs can refer to the same bug):
Entering a complex series of unit numbers in the Adding window could fail. LWB-489
Edit/Clone and Edit/Bal
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