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Modelio x64 software

Modelio x64 - releases history

Top Download Club  |  Development  |  Other  |  Modelio x64
Version Change log
Modelio x64 5.4.1 Dec 8, 2023 The interface for including a diagram thumbnail in another diagram has been improved, and now features search functionality and context information to differentiate between two diagrams with the same name.
Traceability In Diagrams
New feature that allows you to unmask all elements linked to elements already present in a diagram.
Archimate 3.2 Support
Iconographic representation has been updated to comply with ArchiMate 3.2 standard : Communication Network, Device, Distribution Network, Equipment, Facility.
Minor Chages:
BPMN Process: In BPMN diagrams, it is now possible to associate a Lane with an ArchiMate Business Collaboration.
Attribute in UML Class Diagram: By default, UML class attributes are now visible when unmasking and creating classes in diagrams.
Modelio x64 5.3.1 Apr 1, 2023
Modelio x64 5.1.0 Jul 8, 2022
Modelio x64 4.1.0 Oct 1, 2020 Fixes / Improvements:
Modelio now embeds the AdoptOpenJDK JRE instead of the Oracle JDK’s JRE.
Fixed exception that may occur upon closing ArchiMate edition boxes.
Fixed issues with the XMI import/export.
Fixed issue with R3250 audit rule.
The Rich Note feature has been validated under the following platforms:
Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 using the following ‘offices’:
MS Office 2016
LibreOffice 5.3.6
LibreOffice 5.4.2
Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 7 & 8 using the following ‘offices’:
LibreOffice 5.1.2
LibreOffice 5.3.6
Modelio x64 4.0.1 Feb 4, 2020 Evolutions:
The ‘ArchiMate Architect’ feature now support ArchiMate 3.1 standard.
New Modeler Module command to ‘Update link from instanciated association’.
New ‘Constrained elements’ field on Constraint’s Properties view.
It is now possible to drag&drop diagrams from the Diagrams view to the diagram editor.
Fixes / Improvements:
Internal Transitions can now be unmasked in State Diagrams.
Modeler Module wizard commands are now available on multiple selection.
Properties view is now updated when an element is selected from a script.
The XMI Export command is now available on locked elements.
Fixed issues with BPMN diagrams.
Fixed issues with Activity diagrams.
Fixed issue with operation signature display in the operation edition box.
The Rich Note feature has been validated under the following platforms:
Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 using the following ‘offices’:
MS Office 2016
LibreOffice 5.3.6
LibreOffice 5.4.2
Modelio x64 4.0.0 Nov 5, 2019 Evolutions:
The ‘ArchiMate Architect’ feature now support ArchiMate 3.1 standard.
New Modeler Module command to ‘Update link from instanciated association’.
New ‘Constrained elements’ field on Constraint’s Properties view.
It is now possible to drag&drop diagrams from the Diagrams view to the diagram editor.
Fixes / Improvements:
Internal Transitions can now be unmasked in State Diagrams.
Modeler Module wizard commands are now available on multiple selection.
Properties view is now updated when an element is selected from a script.
The XMI Export command is now available on locked elements.
Fixed issues with BPMN diagrams.
Fixed issues with Activity diagrams.
Fixed issue with operation signature display in the operation edition box.
The Rich Note feature has been validated under the following platforms:
Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 using the following ‘offices’:
MS Office 2016
LibreOffice 5.3.6
LibreOffice 5.4.2
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