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Moneydance - releases history

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Version Change log
Moneydance 2024.4 Build Feb 21, 2025 Fixed a bug that prevented the Undo/Redo menus in some windows from being updated
Ensure that the monthly calendar shown on the summary page always starts out with the first-day-of-week setting from the preferences
Fix timezone parsing when encountering date strings with timezones in OFX files
Fix Tag Total report bug which showed incorrect values when transactions with multiple splits referenced tags
Don't enable the fee field or category when editing bank transactions in an investment register
Improved readability of the custom color theme editor window
Ensure console menu button icon is visible in all color themes
Added preferences option to not show the splash screen
Fixed a bug when printing reports while using a dark color scheme, which caused the reports use to light colours for the report text
Fixed an issue which could cause delays and heavy RAM usage when making updates while the net worth toolbar graph was visible
* When syncing data recorded on mobile devices, moneydance now applies updated exchange rates to inter-currency transactions
Moneydance 2024.3 Build Feb 12, 2025 Moneydance now automatically assigns the current exchange rate to inter-currency transactions synced from mobile devices
Moneydance 2024.2 Build Oct 21, 2024 Fixed a bug which prevented directly opening Moneydance 2015 and prior files that had password encryption enabled
Fixed a bug which, when performing a batch date change on multiple transactions, would result in the register not fully re-sorting the changed transactions
Fixed a bug in which the Transaction Filter report, when grouping transactions by account or category, would sort transactions within each group by date-entered order instead of date.
Fixed a bug in the previous preview build which prevented creating new files
Fixed a rounding bug when applying VAT to transactions which resulted in the total amount being changed by one cent when the VAT part of the transaction came to exactly half of one cent
Fixed a bug in which duplicating a transaction which had a VAT calculation applied, would lose the VAT calculation status attributes which might cause further editing of that transaction to re-apply the calculation improperly
Fixed a bug when syncing mobile data on Windows which could cause updates from a minbile device to be re-applied, even if they had been overridden or deleted on the desktop.
Fixed a bug in the portfolio report in which an investment might be shown in a different currency in specific circumstances
Added an Analyze Sync Folder utility to the console window menu which will print a listg of files, subfolders, and timestamps found under the sync folder for the current file
Moneydance 2024.1 Build Aug 2, 2024 Fully fixed bug in the previous preview build 5140 when duplicating register transactions from the other side of transfers
Fixed a compatibility issue with the previous preview build that prevented some extensions from loading
Show message in status bar when making a backup
Moneydance 2017.8 (1691 Oct 24, 2018 Fixes to average cost basis and capital gains report calculations (thanks Stuart Beesley!)
Fixes to investment performance report in situation in which the same security in two different accounts was incorrectly grouped (thanks Mike Bray!)
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