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NotesFinderLite software

NotesFinderLite - releases history

Top Download Club  |  Education  |  Teaching & Training Tools  |  NotesFinderLite
Version Change log
NotesFinderLite 1.2 Aug 7, 2014 1. Intuitive and easy-to understand interface;
2. Full instruments notes ranges with authentic sounds;
3. Built-in note sign ages: standard (A, B, C) as well as solfeggio (do, re, mi).
4. Treble clef including flats and sharps;
5. Sound for every note being played;
6. etc...
NotesFinderLite 1.0 Jul 22, 2014 The app has 2 modes:
1. Notes Explorer
2. Notes Trainer

The "Notes Trainer" asks for the notes, showing you the locations, and offers the full statistics to show where you are making mistakes, so you can measure progress in sight reading and see when you've exceeded your personal best.
NotesFinderLite 1.2 Aug 7, 2014 1. Intuitive and easy-to understand interface;
2. Full instruments notes ranges with authentic sounds;
3. Built-in note sign ages: standard (A, B, C) as well as solfeggio (do, re, mi).
4. Treble clef including flats and sharps;
5. Sound for every note being played;
6. etc...
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