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Plant Base software

Plant Base - releases history

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Version Change log
Plant Base 2.1.15 Feb 12, 2023
Plant Base 2.1.14 May 15, 2022
Plant Base 2.1.13 Aug 22, 2021
Plant Base 2.1.12 Dec 4, 2020 In the Select Colour tool window for the plant data or select tabs, double-clicking on a colour box will select it, same as single-click, and also immediately apply that option as if the OK button was clicked.
When adding/editing a plant record the common-name and synonyms boxes now have optional expanded drop-down boxes, similar to normal read-only mode but editable. They are opened by the icon to the right of the box. This allows entry as a line-by-line list. The edit box is closed by clicking anywhere outside it, or Esc key, transferring the content to the original field which can still be edited directly.
Using option "display the first available picture" - when moving plant record, the zoom level, if any, is no longer preserved between records. Therefore pictures are always initially displayed either at natural size or "fit to screen". Using the previous zoom level for the next picture could sometimes produce undesirable screen effects.
Plant Base 2.1.11 Sep 8, 2020 Fixed bugs and other changes in HTML Reporter. Changes made in version 2.1.9 broke compatibity with MS Word. Simple reversion broke compatibity with some web browsers, so a modified method is used duplicating page-break in separate tags. A page break is now done after the report heading so that the first plant record starts at the top of a page. This and other minor CSS changes also improves compatibility with OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
Added new Configuration Option to display the Plant List at startup. This is ignored if a Plant List has not been created yet.
Minor user interface adjustments.
Some minor bug fixes for Windows and Mac editions.
Bug fixes and numerous other small changes specific to Linux edition.
Plant Base 2.1.10 Oct 20, 2019 Improved and simplified Manage Plant Lists window.
Add option to enable plant select using a plant list, chosen by drop-down on select tab. Plants are still selected from main records, using normal criteria, but limited to those in the list.
Mac only: the normal program is now 64-bit. An optional 32-bit build is provided for running on older hardware or with limited memory.
Mac only: the program app bundle now includes all the help and language files, instead of being held separately in the same folder. This means only PlantBase.app is needed in Applications folder, as typical for Mac systems.
Various minor layout corrections and improvements, mostly for the Linux edition.
Fixed bug - Add to List menu panel button remains greyed after adding a picture (Windows)
Fixed bug - when adding or editing a plant record, if Family or Origin is entered as text (rather than selected) and includes leading or trailing spaces then the check for an existing entry would fail.
Plant Base 2.1.6 Dec 21, 2015 Added - Plant Master record history is now saved between sessions.

Added Configuration Option for display of non-metric convertions on the plant page tab, printed pages and HTML reports.

Added page-break option to HTML reports.

HTML report formatting is improved by substituting <br> where line-breaks (CRLF) occur in text. Also pictures are aligned with text and some other minor improvements.

HTML report options are now saved between sessions.

Fixed bug - in HTML reports pictures from libraries 2 or 3 were incorrectly output as files with extentions ommitted in the names.

Fixed bug - picture links in HTML report could include back-slash () which is not valid and not handled by some browsers. Forward-slash is now always used.

Fixed bug - editing a picture to change it from Picture Library 3 to either 1 or 2 caused an error when saving the record.
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