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Portable SmartGit - releases history

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Version Change log
Portable SmartGit 24.1.2 Feb 14, 2025 New Features, Improvements:
Russian translation
Pascal: added Delphi keywords
Fixed Bugs:
Changes view: Apply Selection did not work if selection starts/ends in the middle of a line
Fetch More: Unshallowing was not possible if no branches were shown in the Branches table
Edit Ignore File: possible internal error if there was no root ignore file
Hosting Providers:
possible internal error having multiple hosting providers at subdomain
Azure DevOps: adding file comment failed with HTTP 400 and misleading error message
Bitbucket Server (Stash): possible internal error when accessing repository with having Hosting Providers configured
possible internal error after "Temporary failure in name resolution"
possible internal error on refresh
Rebase Interactive: failed if "rebase.updaterefs" option was set
internal error related to external credential helper
falsepositive warning about external credential helper
could not detect empty string literal
non USASCII characters could be part of identifiers
Log window:
Graph: doubleclicking a virtual pull request node should not offer to check out
Standard window:
Create Pull Request: used wrong branch (selection from Branches view instead of selected Graph ref)
Find Object: internal error when searching for a local ref which was sorted below some "origin/"entries
Working Tree window:
Files: sorting by State in split mode did not keep conflicts topmost as in nonsplit mode
Journal: Cherry Pick was not available on commits from the branch's own history
Commit dialog: name column was 2 pixels too narrow
Other Noteworthy Changes:
About dialog: does not show "Valid until" for onpremise licenses
GitHub: added logging for GraphQL queries without JSON Debug Logging
GitLab and others: improved error message in case of problems
Portable SmartGit 24.1.1 Dec 11, 2024 Fixed Bugs:
Clone: possible internal error for a reported branch's short name being equal to another branch's long name
Delete: possible internal error related to symlinks
File Compare: Apply Innerline-Change not available (regression from 23.1)
Changes view, Compare
Markdown: changes in fenced code blocks were treated as one block
File Log: selecting a commit could cause the Commit view to be empty
GitHub: commit message selection might fail if bugtraq file was configured
Tooltips might show up on the wrong monitor
Standard window
Stashes: two clicks might be required to focus the control
Reflog: not all refs were shown
opening a new window (Window | New Window) did not focus the repository filter input field
left views were 1 pixel too small vertically
Other Noteworthy Changes:
Debian Bundle: add `git-lfs` dependency
Graph: don't allow drag and drop operations during special repository states, e.g. rebasing or merging
Standard window
Reflog: don't allow rearranging commits
Portable SmartGit 24.1 Nov 6, 2024 Fixed Bugs:
Bisect (Mark as Good/Bad): might fail in LFS repositories (credential helper pops up)
Blame, Changes Since: too light background color
Completion popup: did not scroll to selection
GitHub: possible internal error when reading pull request comments without author
Groovy: internal error typing @
InnoSetup: internal error typing ' or "
PHP: <? can occur inside tag arguments
XML: internal error typing &
Other Noteworthy Changes:
Bitbucket: added low-level property "bitbucketCloud.repositoryPageSize"
Translations updated
Portable SmartGit Sep 20, 2024 Fixed:
Setup wizard: internal error if a file contains "weird" characters in its name that could not be mapped to the file system (regression)
Portable SmartGit Aug 22, 2024 Fixed:
Setup wizard: internal error if a file contains "weird" characters in its name that could not be mapped to the file system (regression)
Portable SmartGit 23.1.4 Aug 20, 2024 Fixed Bugs:
Changes view:
internal error trying to stage "left" block at first line
Unstage Selection: internal error for last block in unified diff view
Changes view/File Compare/...: parsing was broken if token ended with 32-bit char (e.g. "emoji")
Cherry-Pick/Squash Commits: possible internal error related to invalid Git commits
Fetch more: after unshallowing commits graph is not refreshed
Git-Flow, Init: failed in empty repository; now it creates initial empty commit if required
GitLab: possible error "Object 'sha' not found"
Init: may fail to create objects in case of file system problems
Investigate: initial switch from Blame to Diff view gives empty panel
Log Graph (and Commits view):
for email-only `.mailmap` lines, the original Author name was lost
for `.mailmap` lines containing `<>`, mapping was not applied
Rebase: some warning dialogs showed "Merge" instead of "Rebase" in title
possible internal error if `mailmap.file` contains an invalid path
possible error "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" for untracked-missing rename detection
Rename: was not applicable any more for submodules (regression since 22.1)
Remove: was not applicable any more for submodules (regression since 22.1)
Window | Reset Perspective: kept previous layout
Standard window:
possible internal error if a dialog occurs (e.g. master password dialog) while dragging a tab
internal error trying to modify toolbar with "Basic" feature set
Graph: internal error when toggling "Show Tags" before graph has been loaded
File Compare (and other editors): internal error undoing changes after having typed Chinese characters with Pinyin
possible error "Failed to invoke filter 'lfs'"
possible errors related to invalid HOME
Other Noteworthy Changes:
GitHub: improve error message if authentication fails due to outdated user
Portable SmartGit 23.1.3 Aug 5, 2024 File Log: provide Open link for appropriate hosting provider
-Finish Release: support fast-forward master
Rebase: when invoking on a commit from the HEAD history, offer to rebase this single commit
Rebase Continue: warn before applying unstaged working tree changes
Fixed Bugs:
Azure DevOps: Create Pull Request opened wrong URL
Git: possible inconsistent processing of gitconfig file
Finish Release with squash did not work for custom base branch
GitHub (and others):
refreshing failed for multiple configurations for the same hosting provider
GitLab: token expires too frequently
Log graph:
possible internal error related to invalid commit data, e.g. no author
dragging a single commit onto its history should offer to Rebase, too
internal error when clicking bugtraq link
Preferences, Tools: Add/Edit dialog may grow too large
Refresh (file monitoring): fix for Windows directory mounts
Syntax coloring:
ANTLR: did not support u{12345} escape
C#: failed to parse double-quote character literal '"'
HTML: did not report whitespace correctly
JavaScript/TypeScript: incorrect lexing of recursive template mode
JavaScript/TypeScript: failed on @
Ruby: failed on @
Shellscript: failed on $
Swift: failed on @
Swift: identifiers can contain unicode characters, e.g. emojis
Log window:
GitHub (and others):
fetching pull request did not properly reveal anymore (regression from 23.1)
Log and Working tree windows:
show "current" branch for empty repository
Standard window:
Commit: for empty repository, show the correct branch which will be used when committing
Other Noteworthy Changes:
History-related commands: improved message if commit reorganization is not possible/supported
Git executable page: show also LFS version
Setup: ask user (again) which Git executable to use; don't ask if only the bundled git was found
Syntax coloring:
Ruby: support heredoc
Portable SmartGit 23.1.3 / 24. Jul 12, 2024 New Features, Improvements:
Azure DevOps: include link to profile for Cloud settings dialog
Changes view, Compare: improved inner-line diff based on syntax of selected language
Checkout: warn if switching will change `.gitmodules` (it might be harder to switch back; sometimes happens trying to check out the wrong branch by accident)
<li class="bbli">Clone, GitHub:
Added options which kind of repositories to query
More efficient repository query which gives almost all repositories of the old, expensive query
Log: honor `diff.renames=copies` when following renames/copies
<li class="bbli">Fixed Bugs:
Cherry-Pick/Squash Commits: possible internal error related to invalid Git commits
Hosting Providers: configuration of 23.1 is not properly upgraded (UUIDs are missing)
Investigate: merged changes are not detected as origin
Refresh: packed refs/replace were not processed
Window | Reset Perspective: keeps previous layout
<li class="bbli">Syntax:
Pascal: missed keyword `const`
Perl: incorrect lexing after slash
PHP: incorrect lexing
XML: might be confused by conflict markers
<li class="bbli">Standard window:
Push: `remote.pushDefault` was not honored
<li class="bbli">Other Noteworthy Changes:
JIRA: improve authentication dialog for JIRA cloud
Refresh: check and warn in case of external `credential.helper`
<li class="bbli">Log window:
Branches view: delete multiple stashes using Delete-key
<li class="bbli">Working Tree and Log window:
Push: honor `remote.pushDefault` for new branches
<li class="bbli">Standard window:
Log, Files: commit diff logic should honor the commit times for selection of what's left and right
Portable SmartGit 23.1.3 Apr 22, 2024
Portable SmartGit 23.1.2 Feb 20, 2024
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