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Proteus PCB Design software

Proteus PCB Design - releases history

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Version Change log
Proteus PCB Design 8.11 SP0 B30 Dec 8, 2020
Proteus PCB Design 8.10 SP0 B29 Feb 26, 2020 Integrated web search:
Version 8.9 sees the completion of the library part import work by introducing a live web search directly into the library pick form. Now, when you search for a part you can move from installed results to web results at the press of a button. Then you simply double click on the web result to import straight into Proteus. Both the schematic component and the PCB footprint will be imported and, in most cases, the 3D STEP file will also be included.
There are over 15 million parts in the web search but if the part you want doesn't exist you can request it be built for you. This is a free service and typically takes 24-48 hours. A free account needs to be registered with our partner Samacsys but this can be set up from inside Proteus the first time you try to import a part.
Proteus PCB Design 8.9 SP0 B285 Sep 9, 2019 Integrated web search:
Version 8.9 sees the completion of the library part import work by introducing a live web search directly into the library pick form. Now, when you search for a part you can move from installed results to web results at the press of a button. Then you simply double click on the web result to import straight into Proteus. Both the schematic component and the PCB footprint will be imported and, in most cases, the 3D STEP file will also be included.
There are over 15 million parts in the web search but if the part you want doesn't exist you can request it be built for you. This is a free service and typically takes 24-48 hours. A free account needs to be registered with our partner Samacsys but this can be set up from inside Proteus the first time you try to import a part.
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