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Python(x,y) - releases history

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Version Change log
Python(x,y) 9.0.1 Mar 3, 2025 (optional) LLM integration in the CLI.
Complete rewrite of color and theme handling, which now supports more colors and symbols.
Move tests out of tree in the wheel with a massive reduction in file size.
Tips at startup
Removal of (almost) all deprecated functionalities and options.
Stricter and more stable codebase.
Python(x,y) 9.0.0 Feb 28, 2025 (optional) LLM integration in the CLI.
Complete rewrite of color and theme handling, which now supports more colors and symbols.
Move tests out of tree in the wheel with a massive reduction in file size.
Tips at startup
Removal of (almost) all deprecated functionalities and options.
Stricter and more stable codebase.
Python(x,y) 8.32.0 Feb 24, 2025 Medium release of IPython for this end of January and this new year 2025. This is now a different branch than the main branch, and will only accumulate bugfixes and small improvements and requested backports, while 9.0 forges ahead.
We’ll not 4 bugfixes and an and unstable preview feature:
PR #14640 Fixes an error were a warning about virtualenvs was incorrectly triggered.
PR #14684 Fixes an issue on Python 3.12+ with post mortem debugging.
PR #14693 Fixes a bug where magics were ignoring SIGINT
PR #14695 Fixes and issue where magics would not display all subprocess output.
As a preview feature, look into the examples folder on how to configure autosuggestion using a large language model. This is not yet ready for production use, have only partial documentation and can change without warnings, but should allow you to hook in a Jupyter-ai LLM provider to suggest code in the CLI (currently only via a keyboard shortcut). See PR #14623 for more details until further documentation is available in 9.0.
Python(x,y) 8.30.0 Nov 29, 2024 PR #14579 improve the documentatation for cutom IPython formatters, and how you can register formatters for custo mime types.
PR #14580 fix a bug in which commands that were not assigned a shortcut could not be assigned one.
PR #12690 fix a bug in which a single / on an empty line would not be an error. This is due to the autocall behavior that we are thinking of deprecating.
Python(x,y) 8.29.0 Oct 25, 2024 Misc Python 3.13 compatibility PR #14536, PR #14559
Add a uv line magic PR #14537
Add support for WEBP to IPython.display.Image. PR #14526
And many more bugfixes and quality of life improvements.
Python(x,y) 8.28.0 Oct 2, 2024 AssertionError: assert _xterm_term_title_saved in WSL – It is unclear why the terminal title is not saved in WSL, if you’ve WSL experience we’d love your feedback and help to not just ignore an error
Fix use of pyside6 >= 6.7.0
Make values public (_tb_highlight & _tb_highlight_style)
Use environment variable to identify conda / mamba
Python(x,y) 6.0.0 Sep 24, 2024 New features:
New installers for Windows, Linux and macOS based on Conda and Conda-forge. They come up with a more robust update process and are based on Python 3.11.
Add a Debugger pane to explore the stack frame of the current debugging session.
Add a button to the Debugger pane to pause the current code execution and enter the debugger afterwards.
Add submenu to the Consoles menu to start a new console for a specific Conda or Pyenv environment.
Add ability to refresh the open Variable Explorer viewers to reflect the current variable value.
Add initial support to automatically connect to remote servers through SSH and run code in them. This functionality can be found in the menu Consoles > New console in remote server.
Show plots generated in the Variable Explorer or its viewers in the Plots pane.
Show Matplotlib backend and Python environment information in the status bar.
Make kernel restarts be much faster for the current interpreter.
Add experimental support for Qt 6 and increase minimal required version to Qt 5.15.
Turn runfile, debugfile, runcell and related commands into IPython magics.
Important fixes:
Environment variables declared in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zhrc are detected and passed to the IPython console.
Support all real number dtypes in the dataframe viewer.
Respect Matplotlib user settings configured outside Spyder.
Increase DPI of Matplotlib plots so they look better in high resolution screens.
Allow to copy the absolute and relative paths of the current file to the tabs' context menu of the Editor.
Restore ability to load Hdf5 and Dicom files through the Variable Explorer (this was working in Spyder 4 and before).
Add ability to disable external plugins in Preferences > Plugins.
Use a simpler filesystem watcher in Projects to improve performance.
UX/UI improvements:
Make Spyder accept Chinese, Korean or Japanese input on Linux by adding fcitx-qt5 as a new dependency (in conda environments only).
The file switcher can browse and open files present
Python(x,y) 5.5.6 Aug 27, 2024 Important fixes:
Fix several erros related with panes tabification and in general when some plugins are disabled/missing.
Fix error on file dialogs extensions filter.
Fix micromamba usage on arm64 macOS installers.
Remove dependency on pkg_resources and make PyQtWebEngine optional.
Issues Closed:
Issue 22376 - Spyder 5.5.6 release (PR 22385 by @dalthviz)
Issue 22248 - On macOS "Save as..." always defaults to saving with ".R" extension rather than ".py" (PR 22270 by @mrclary)
Issue 22233 - Using miniconda env creates a bad CPU type error with macOS installer in M1 laptops (PR 22265 by @mrclary)
Issue 21545 - Use importlib.metadata when trying to get package version (PR 22244 by @hmaarrfk)
Python(x,y) 5.5.5 Aug 9, 2024 Issues Closed:
Issue 22176 - Spyder 6.0 beta2 release (PR 22177 by @dalthviz)
Issue 22070 - Snapping Spyder 6 while Show breakpoints is active is broken (PR 22163 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 22034 - IPython console Matplotlib rc parameters are inconsistent when switching backends (PR 22088 by @mrclary)
Issue 22030 - Issue reporter submit to Github results in 403 error (PR 22108 by @mrclary)
Issue 21878 - KeyError when changing run options in 6.0.0a4 (PR 22141 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 21771 - Adding "User environment variables in Windows registry" (PR 22075 by @mrclary)
Issue 20700 - Run settings can not be changed in master (PR 22141 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 20569 - Run after closing all files (PR 22141 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 16265 - Outline pane is automatically shown when editor is maximized (PR 19784 by @ccordoba12)
Issue 10932 - Spyder is ignoring matplotlib user settings (PR 22088 by @mrclary)
Pull Requests Merged:
PR 22177 - PR: Update core dependencies for 6.0.0 beta2, by @dalthviz (22176)
PR 22163 - PR: Improve UI/UX of the Debugger pane, by @ccordoba12 (22070)
PR 22155 - PR: Use jupyter_server instead of jupyterhub for remote client plugin, by @hlouzada
PR 22143 - PR: Add new icons to be used in the Debugger toolbar, by @conradolandia
PR 22141 - PR: Improve UI/UX of the Run plugin configuration widgets, by @ccordoba12 (21878, 20700, 20569)
PR 22137 - PR: Fix conflict between AsyncDispatcher and run_sync function of jupyter_core, by @hlouzada
PR 22120 - PR: Enable comms to work across different Python versions (IPython console), by @impact27
PR 22118 - PR: Use GITHUB_TOKEN to make authorized user requests against GitHub (CI), by @mrclary
PR 22110 - PR: Adjust emblems for Projects menu icons, by @conradolandia
PR 22108 - PR: Replace github.py with pygithub package, by @mrclary (22030)
PR 22103 - PR: Update macOS from 11 to 12 in installer workflow, by @mrclary
PR 22089 - PR: Fix workflow glob (Installers), by @mrclary
PR 22088 - PR: Fix issue where Spyder's inli
Python(x,y) Jun 1, 2016
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