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Resolume Arena software

Resolume Arena - releases history

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Version Change log
Resolume Arena 7.22.2 Rev 4 Dec 20, 2024 Arena & Avenue 7.22.2 Hot Fix List:
22739 Low framerates with very big compositions on 7.22
22716 Arena sometimes crashes with older composition
22722 Crash dropping file from Finder to Render panel
22723 Midi shortcut feedback / clip trigger state sometimes not sending out deck switch
22724 Deck switch should select first column in new deck
22743 MIDI controller button does not light up when you drag a file to an empty clip that is midi mapped
22703 Autopilot section should be folded by default on clip panel
22709 Clip multiselect lost transform effect section delimiter
Wire 7.22.2 Hot Fix List:
19844 Snapshot functionality does not adhere to node resolution
22726 Some patches with resources didn't work in 7.22.
Resolume Arena 7.22.1 Rev 4 Dec 10, 2024 Clip Transition can cause unresponsive user interface
Auto pilot Clip loop not loading correctly
Edit parameters from multi-selection not working
Scroll layers and clips into view no worky using mouse
Clip transport indicator on layers is gone
Midi mapping for clips with Selected Layer not working
Resolume Arena 7.22.0 Rev 4 Dec 6, 2024 Column Power:
Resolume 7.22 is giving columns a powerful upgrade. You can now select, move, duplicate, and remove multiple columns. Selecting a column no longer triggers that column; instead, you use the column play button to trigger columns. This way, columns behave much more like clips. These buttons can be set to large or small in the View menu. The column trigger button shows either a play button when that column contains clips or a stop icon when there are no clips in that column, indicating that when you trigger that column, all playing clips will stop. Because columns are more like clips now, columns now also have beat snap settings, just like clips. But not only have columns received an upgrade, you can now drag and drop multiple clips, and it's now very clearly previewed where these clips will be placed when dragging.
Trigger next & previous column buttons now skip empty columns. This is an important change to be aware of when you use this. Now that triggering and selecting columns is the same as clips they also behave consistently so triggering next & previous column now skips empty columns just like empty clips have always been skipped by the autopilot and next & previous buttons. If you want to make a column that displays nothing now it needs to have a transparant or blank clip. You can now easily create a blank by right-clicking a clip and selecting Insert Blank.
Note that the Arena API has been updated accordingly. Now that columns behave similar to clips they will send out their connected state in the same way. Please make sure to update your code according the the API documentation.
Autopilot Improvements:
The autopilot jumped, hit a mystery block, and ate all the power-up shrooms!
There is now a new autopilot for columns! On the group and composition panels, you can now set autopilot options for the columns. You can have it jump through columns after a certain time or number of beats, it can look for the longest, shortest, top or bottom clip in the
Resolume Arena 7.21.3 Rev 3 Aug 16, 2024 Transform Widget:
In Resolume 7.21, we're introducing the transform widget for Arena and Avenue. You can now move, scale, and rotate your content directly in the preview monitor! Additional tools like mirroring, center X/Y, and subdividing your footage can be accessed by right-clicking the widget. This widget allows you to transform either the composition, layer, group, or clip depending on your selection. No more fiddling with a bunch of sliders; just point and click to place your content where you want it.
New Monitor & Video Router Inputs:
We have removed the option to show a monitor on the Composition, Group, Layer, and Clip Panel because it was buggy and not used by many people (we think/hope). However, we have replaced it with something better; now you can configure any monitor to show the Selected Group, Layer, or Clip. This way, it’s more flexible, and you can place the monitor for the selected item anywhere you like. The Video Router now also has the option to pipe in the Selected Group, Layer, or Clip. We have yet to come up with a good use case for this, but we’re sure some of you will find it useful.
Input Parameter Grouping:
With Wire 7.21, you can now place your parameters in groups on the Dashboard panel. Nice and cozy. Groups will also show as foldable sections in Resolume Arena and Avenue. Patches with a lot of parameters will greatly benefit from the use of groups as you can now categorize them as you see fit.
Another feature to speed up patching in your big spaghetti patches! You can now drop a cord onto an existing connection to replace (or add to) it. When working in event-flow, you can hold down the ALT key while doing so to combine the cords.
5 New Nodes:
Wire gets 5 new nodes with this update: Perlin, Fract, Noise Generator, Collapse Triggers, and Anchor Point. The Perlin Node allows you to run any float type through a Perlin Noise algorithm. The Fract Node returns the fractional part of a floating point number. The Noise Generator provid
Resolume Arena 7.21.2 Rev 3 Jul 19, 2024 Screen monitors stretch image if different aspect ratio than composition
Crash removing palette presets
Black frame flash when retriggering syphon
Resolume Arena 7.21.1 Rev 3 Jul 15, 2024 Screen monitors stretch image if different aspect ratio than composition
Crash removing palette presets
Black frame flash when retriggering syphon
Resolume Arena 7.20.1 May 21, 2024
Resolume Arena 7.19.1 Mar 11, 2024
Resolume Arena 7.19.0 Mar 5, 2024
Resolume Arena 7.18.2 Nov 17, 2023
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