Version | Change log |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.7 Early Feb 17, 2025 |
Changes and improvements: Add export option to add an artboard size clipping rect to svg exports. Apply appropriate scaling to hover control slider ranges based on selected length units for the parameter. Updated and rearranged some of the Getting started window introduction videos. Improved naming and numbering of newly added Document parameters. Bug fixes: Fixed setting default artboard size in Settings window saving incorrectly when not using mm or pixels as length units. Fixed undo/redo of actions that added multiple nodes to the same layer (like repeater-tools applied to transformed layers). Fixed parameter value type for Adjust Stroke node width adjustment. Fixed rendering clipping of sharp corners on wide strokes. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.5 Early Feb 3, 2025 |
Changes and improvements: Add buttons for opening and closing of free from paths at the current selected pair of control points. Allow using the Pen tool to continue drawing paths from selected path end points. The position and handle length/angle values for selected freeform path control points are now placed in an expandable section of the Freeform path node, and hidden by default. You can now collapse and open parameter input node panels. Added Help menu item for showing paragraphic blog Documentation posts. Changed nodes picking values/colors/elements using indexes to be more consistent in how this works internally. Comma separated Value/Text list parameters now allow escaping commas with backslash “,” so you can have text list items with commas in them. Bug fixes: Fixed an issue with lingering layer hover highlights. Fix connection ends not showing/hiding correctly when opening/closing node panels. Fixed crash selecting a repeater index using a selection button and then immediately deleting the node in some situations. Correctly place connection ends on hover for connections to parameters in collapsed input node panels. Fixed infinite loop in getting point closest to zero length path. Fixed invalid bounds calculations for path elements with just a single point. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.4 Early Jan 26, 2025 |
Changes and improvements: Added Arrange Node. This node reorders elements in groups in various ways, moving selected elements back/forward or arranging them based on position or size. Added Replace Node. This node replaces selected elements in groups using elements from other layers, including a mode where you can pick the replacement element to use from a connected group of element. Instance layer pick element from group mode. With this enabled the instance layer will output a selected element from the connected parent layer group, instead of the entire group. Configuring custom document parameters now applies changes instantly for better feedback. Escape key now closes any open context menus. Don’t automatically switch to point edit tool when selecting a freeform path layers. Bug fixes: Fix not being able to paste in svg content copied from Affinity Designer (and maybe other sources). Fix blurry text on higher resolution rendering. Also fixes pixel-based exports of text at higher resolutions. Improve appearance of initial window/UI loading on Windows. Fix exporting empty document to SVG resulting in a completely empty file. Fix some situations where layer context menus might be left open after layer was deselected. Fix layer output connection markers sometimes not drawing in the correct location. Fix incorrect resize handles being shown if layer output contains no elements from original generator node. Fix warnings about reverting value type when loading non-angle custom document value parameters. Fix dynamic parameters not updating in grid / area repeater spacing parameters. Correctly hide unavailable element generation indexes in index selection menus after loading file. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.3 Early Jan 17, 2025 |
Bug fixes: Hotfix crash on adding some nodes using the inspector panel Add node button in v0.9.2. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.2 Early Jan 16, 2025 |
Changes and improvements: Display length units on length value parameters. Add new settings for when units to use for general length values, stroke line widths, font sizes and artboard sizes. Slightly changes how selecting units in the export dialogue works to show the same length in the different physical size units. Bug fixes: Fix crash/freeze on using some menu item shortcuts while a native file picker dialogue is open. Fix toolbar selection description not updating when a selected layer is deleted. Fix some issues using certain tool combinations after deleting layers. Fix some menu items being incorrectly enabled when they should not be. Fix glitchy appearance of splash screen when initially loading window on macOS. Fix native Layer menu not updating correctly when switching between multiple documents on macOS. Fix reorder layer to top/bottom not working if it would move the layer only one step. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.9.0 Early Dec 11, 2024 |
Added secondary change parameter to the Apply Function and Repeat Function nodes, allowing you to apply two changes using the same function. Added support for multi-line text in text layers. The Repeat Function now allows applying all the same change types as the Apply Function instead of just basic transforms. Changed value function Noise to get better range distribution, and adds an exponent parameter to allow adjusting the noise value distribution. Note: this will change the output generated by nodes using Noise function. The function graphs now show multiple function graphs when representing multiple different selected function parameters. Added a new shortcut button to add a node between two nodes in the layer node sequence. Made Repeat Area the primary grid repeater tool. UI performance optimizations. Changed a couple of node default parameter settings to produce nicer results. Turn off auto-center pivot option when converting shapes to free form path layers. Added new setting to open a new blank document at startup or not. The home screen (shown when no documents are open) now shows a list of recently opened documents. Bug fixes: Correctly handle negative index offsets in Apply Function node. Fix node “Apply to” mode sub-parameters not always being shown when appropriate. Fix apply change scale range parameters mirroring around 0 instead of 1 when set to mirror. Fix some cases of svg export text elements being misaligned. Correctly outline elements affected by edited nodes when multiple layer nodes are edited simultaneously due to multi-selection. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.8.10 Early Dec 4, 2024 |
Changes and improvements: Improved submenu handling in context menus making it less finnicky to find the nodes you’re trying to add or connect to. Context menus are now properly closed when window is resizes or the application loses focus. Bug fixes: Fix main view not rendering at specific zoom levels on some monitors. Fix keyboard nudging and deleting layers not working in some situations. Fix some small issues with mouse hover tracking in popup menus. Fix multiple custom document parameters sometimes being given the same ID, causing connections from them to fail loading from file. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.8.9 Early Dec 2, 2024 |
Changes and improvements: Improved main view panning and zooming, including added support for pan and zoom gestures. Improved rendering performance. Added a Select all item to the Edit menu (cmd/ctrl-A) allowing you to select all layers, control points or content in edited fields. Added a Use text box pivot option to Text layers when generating paths, to keep the pivot point of the paths at the text box center. When duplicating group layers using index parameters in child groups are now automatically updated to use corresponding indexes in the new group instead of still referencing the original. Changed the backup solution used if the main license server is unreachable. Don’t use proportional aspect lock when drawing new text boxes even if you have set size/scaling to be proportional by default. Bug fixes: Fixed a bug where some connection would be saved to file incorrectly, causing them to fail to load when the file was loaded. Fixed a bug where duplicating layers with connections to parameter input nodes would fail to duplicate these connections. Fixed a bug where some saved connection would not be recreated correctly on loading file. Fix an issue with the layer Transform panel preview not updating correctly after multi-layer selections. Fix incorrect initial generation of some randomized content when loading a saved file. |
Reverberate 64-bit 0.8.8 Early Nov 20, 2024 |
Changes and improvements: Added Duplicate node item in the node menu for layer nodes, allowing you to quickly add a copy of a node after it with the same settings. When adding a repeater to a layer with an offset pivot point, a set pivot node is now also added automatically before the repeater. Allow editing the field label name of custom document parameters inline. Having shift key modifier set to unproportional resizing will now only apply this to corner handles, allowing you to do still do unproportional resizing/scaling using edge handles without holding shift. Bug fixes: Fix reversed spline handles when changing some control points from no handles to smooth handles. Correctly apply shift modifyer proportional setting to layer scale handles. Fix undo/redo of changing document parameter names/labels. Fix group layers not updating on visibility changes in child layers. Fix node preview rendering with mixed CPU/GPU rendering elements (like mixing bitmap images and vector shapes) Fix connection overlay rendering of snapped connections. |
Reverberate 64-bit 3.3.3 Dec 13, 2022 |