Version | Change log |
ScriptCase 9.12.003 Mar 20, 2025 |
Added support for global variables in the "Logo" and "Compact Logo" options of the responsive menu application layout. IMPROVED: Improved the color picker interface in "Edit fields" in the Grid application. FIXED: Fixed problem in the functioning of the sc_change_connection macro in the edit connection between grid and form applications. Fixed problem in displaying sorting fields when there is a Sum field in SQL. Fixed error "simplexml_load_string(): ^" when accessing the select field settings in the form for MariaDB connections. Fixed problem with the sc_usermenu_add_item macro in the responsive menu. Fixed problem with freezing when importing sample projects into databases other than SQLite. Fixed problem with label positioning when editing a block. Fixed problem with displaying help for ajax events when the field added to the event started with an underscore. Fixed problem with inconsistency in the functioning of the edit connection from grid to form when the target was modal, and the "Close form after insertion" option was enabled. Fixed problem where the "Remove background color/image of the application" option did not work in master/detail settings when the detail was a grid. Fixed problem when performing a search in quicksearch in the grid for Postgres connections when there was a field with a reserved word name in the application's SQL. Fixed error "near ".": syntax error" on the initial load of the security module menu by application. Fixed problem where the "Download SQL" button was not displayed at the end of the security module creation process when using existing tables. |
ScriptCase 9.12.002 Mar 13, 2025 |
Added: Added support for dynamically displaying nested grids in the grid column list. FIXED: Fixed Undefined array key "KEY" error when saving form after change. Fixed Undefined array key "modal_height" error when accessing the buttons interface in the grid application in environments with PHP 8.1. Fixed count metric label in grid total for "en_us" language. Fixed problem with "null" assignment to empty fields saved in the form after executing the onAfterUpdate event. Fixed problem with incorrect display of the "Field Grouping" field when the grid was exported to Excel. Fixed problem converting letters to upper case in text type fields with select2 in the grid's advanced filter. Fixed responsive menu problem with displaying open vertical menu button when text title contains too many characters. |
ScriptCase 9.12.000 Feb 24, 2025 |
Added: Added the "Megamenu" feature in the responsive menu application. Added a "Year" view mode in the calendar application. Added the new LdapRecord library for LDAP authentication. The production environment must be updated. Updated the FusionCharts library version. The production environment must be updated. Added the Google OAuth option to log in with social networks in the security module. Added a new macro sc_event_hint for fields created in the onClick AJAX event of the Query application. Added integration of Google reCAPTCHA v3 in the creation of the security module. Added integration of Google reCAPTCHA v3 for security in form, control, and calendar applications. Added the SSH connection option in connection settings. Added Role, Dialect, and Client Encoding options in Firebird connection. Added new chart types in the Chart application: Heatmap, Treemap, Sankey, Sunburst and Chord Diagram. Added scrolling support for Bar, Line, and Area charts in the grid summary. Added new options for the Gantt chart in the Grid application. Fixed: Fixed problem with granting access permission to a project for an LDAP user. Even after granting permission, the project was not displayed. Fixed problem when enabling and editing LDAP users in the administration interface. Actions performed on one user affected all users. Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given" when logging into the development environment with LDAP users. Fixed problem where the "Disable field" option did not work in the selection field settings in the Control application with an HTML template. Fixed problem where the chart was not displayed in the PDF export of grid when only the chart was selected for PDF generation. Fixed problem where the "Back to previous application" link was not displayed in charts shown on the same page as the grid summary. Fixed problem where the "Edit by proj |
ScriptCase 9.11.019 Feb 14, 2025 |
Improvements to the application translation screen. Fixed problem in displaying messages with lang, configured in the form interface in the application messages. Fixed problem in using aliases in text fields in MySQL/MariaDB. Fixed problem with double select field in HTML control application. Fixed spacing in the right margin between the tab and the application table that contains tabs. Fixed problem in the notification message of the tab application that occurred when the "Notify discarded changes" option was unchecked in the form. From this version on, the message will only be displayed when this option is enabled. Fixed problem in the way the "Text" help type was displayed in the form fields. All letters were always capitalized. Fixed problem when changing the field value in the onrecord event using manual lookup. |
ScriptCase 9.11.018 Feb 7, 2025 |
Improved: Improved visual interface of the project's default values. Fixed: Fixed problem with the AJAX autocomplete option in the theme for applications. Fixed problem with page scrolling when dragging special conditions in the sorting interface of the date field in the search. Fixed problem in the preview display of components in the advanced mode of themes for applications. Fixed problem in unserialize when accessing the editing of a custom chart theme in a project converted from version 8 to 9. Fixed problem in creating the OnlineShop example project with PostgreSQL connection. Fixed problem in the initialization of the Apache service on the OpenSuse distribution. Fixed problem when using Captcha in the step-by-step form. Fixed problem with the sc_field_readonly macro, which was breaking assignments in select-type fields. Fixed problem with AJAX reloading when using Select2 in the field. Fixed problem displaying field help in the form when using the "hint" option next to the field. Fixed problem with the "Number of Rows" option in link properties when navigating between records. |
ScriptCase 9.11.016 Jan 16, 2025 |
ADDED: Added support for SweetAlert in the tab application. Added "Display field error in a modal" option in the project's default values. FIXED: Fixed problem with SFTP publishing not working when an IPv6 address was passed in the server field. Fixed problem with field recognition in the application creation interface in Oracle connections when the name of the selected table contained a SQL reserved word. Fixed SQL errors when generating the source code for the "Samples" project in the MariaDB connection. Fixed maximum size allowed in the input for the "Document path" option in the express edition of applications. Fixed problem with the "Tab" parameter not working in form blocks with editable grid orientation (view). Fixed problem with persistent connection in PostgreSQL in production environment. You will need to update the production environment. Fixed SQL error in the grid when adding "UNION" in the application's SQL in MS SQL Server connections when the table and field names contained spaces. Fixed problem with the use of the sc_get_wizard_step macro in the step form, when the validation of a field was done in subsequent steps to which the field belonged. Fixed problem with the recurring display of the alert about the need to activate the "bcmath" library when setting a parameter in the trend line option of the chart application. Fixed problem with the use of ajax events in multiple fields after cleaning the selected content in the advanced filter. Fixed syntax error in the SQL execution of a select field when using multiple values. Fixed problem with changing the field type in the chart application in Firebird connections, when adding the "CAST" function in the application's SQL. Fixed problem with the SSL certificate not working on the Apache server of the Scriptcase installers. |
ScriptCase 9.11.012 Dec 12, 2024 |
ADDED: Added notification message in the tab application if the form is modified and the tab is switched before the record is updated. IMPROVED: Improvements to the Windows (x86 e x64) installer (x86 and x64). New PHP version: 8.1.31 New Apache version: 2.4.62 Visual C++ Redistributable Visual Studio 2015-2022 : 14.42.34433.0 To access these new versions, you will need to reinstall your environment; performing a backup is essential. FIXED: Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token ";", expecting ")" when using the "substr" function as a parameter of the sc_alert macro. Fixed problem with the "Minimum value" and "Maximum value" options in the currency field configuration when a value in decimal format was added. Fixed problem where the form was closed in the menu and the grid was not reloaded. Fixed problem with the "Load the last saved session when starting the application" option not working when the grid application was called from a menu item. Fixed problem where the font size of the field was lost after being reloaded via ajax processing. |
ScriptCase 9.11.011 Dec 6, 2024 |
Fixed problem with passing a field as a parameter when the field is not displayed in the grid. Fixed problem when removing the search in the tag filter while using the search in a modal. The field was not removed from the search. |
ScriptCase 9.11.010 Nov 29, 2024 |
Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro, in the grid action bar button events, using infinite scroll pagination. When using the '_blank' parameter in the macro, several pages were opened. Fixed problem with displaying characters when using the sc_ajax_message macro, in an Ajax-type button, with ISO 8859-2 charset. Fixed problem in displaying characters in the Search application, using the charset to utf8 conversion flag. The error occurred in the published environment. |
ScriptCase 9.11.009 Nov 27, 2024 |
Fixed problem with "Invalid data" error when editing a record in the grid on a tab of the dynamic responsive menu. Fixed problem changing fields of type "TEXT" to "BLOB" when creating grids with MySQL, when the application's SQL contained JOIN and table aliases. Fixed problem strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) in menu generation. |