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Sonic Visualiser software

Sonic Visualiser - releases history

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Version Change log
Sonic Visualiser 5.2 Mar 7, 2025 On the Mac, substantially improve responsiveness during scrolling and zooming, with threaded paint and various perceptual changes. If threaded paint causes instability, it can be disabled by setting the SV_NO_THREADED_PAINT environment variable (to anything). (Sonic Visualiser was previously perceptually more sluggish on the Mac than on other platforms, where this change was not necessary)
Fix habit of holding open the device microphone after recording
Improve compatibility with Vamp plugins that return unexpectedly many values in features
Improve compatibility with Vamp plugins that express units in variant forms such as "Hertz"
Fix incorrect choice of UI language on systems with more than one of the supported languages configured, and on which English (that is not explicitly regionalised to en_US or en_GB) has a higher priority than any other supported language. Previously the first other matching language would have been used; now it will be English
Fix tendency to pop up a progress dialog over the top of any user input needed when opening a file
Sonic Visualiser 5.0.1 Oct 1, 2024 Fix occasional crashes in the Mac package, caused by a Qt bug, by updating the version of Qt used when packaging
Fix bug in Preferences that prevented some of the analysis settings from taking effect
Fix failure to load some older 32-bit Windows Vamp plugins
Update UI translation loading logic to better reflect system locale settings
Sonic Visualiser 5.0.0 Aug 1, 2024 Port to Qt6. The code now builds only with Qt6, and Qt5 is no longer supported
Add mechanism to ignore plugins on subsequent runs if they fail to load, and to review ignored plugins from the preferences dialog
Add Mel scale to the options for vertical spectrogram scale
Add an opaque toggle to the spectrogram; switching it off gives spectrograms some transparency, so they can be overlaid over other layers, including other spectrograms
Update opaque toggle in colour 3d layers so that it works like the new one in the spectrogram. Previously colour 3d plot layers could be translucent at low resolutions but not at higher ones; now the setting affects all resolutions. Correspondingly make it default to off, as in the spectrogram
Add smoothing toggle directly to spectrogram parameters, like the one already found in colour 3d plot layers. Previously spectrogram smoothing could be toggled only from the preferences
Stop snapping spectrogram frequency range to bin frequencies. This already-confusing feature caused problems with the new support for translucent spectrograms, which permits overlaying spectrograms of differing bin counts that would be too hard to line up properly if the frequency extents were always snapped to the nearest bin
Clarify keyboard and mouse shortcut descriptions in the Key And Mouse Reference window, especially for the platform-specific descriptions used on the Mac, and add a few more alternative shortcuts including more standard zoom in/out shortcuts
Fix disappearing peaks in peak-bin display mode in the spectrogram, caused by overzealous smoothing
Fix jumps in spectrogram when changing zoom level between certain values in hi-dpi pixel-doubled situations, caused by a failure of cache invalidation
Fix some very slow spectrogram painting
Fix disappearance of right-button Transforms menu after file load
Fix inconsistent default vs set threshold values in spectrogram
Fix crash on painting very low-resolution dense 3d plots
Sonic Visualiser 4.5.2 May 3, 2023 Support multi-line text labels on time instants
Improve refresh and rendering of text labels in various layers
Improve abbreviation of layer names in the key at bottom-right of a pane
Fix repeated writes to settings file when rendering time-ruler layers at close zoom levels
Use system Vamp host SDK if provided
Sonic Visualiser 4.5.1 Nov 8, 2022
Sonic Visualiser 4.5 Apr 1, 2022
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