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Wise Auto Shutdown software

Wise Auto Shutdown - releases history

Top Download Club  |  System Utilities  |  Automation Tools  |  Wise Auto Shutdown
Version Change log
Wise Auto Shutdown 2.0.6 Jan 24, 2024 1. Added Weekly and Monthly to the task types.
2. The idle task is changed from monitoring CPU usage to monitoring mouse and keyboard operations. Improved the success rate of idle tasks.
Wise Auto Shutdown 2.0.5 Nov 2, 2023 1. Added password protection function. When creating a task, you can set a password to protect the task.
2. Added a form to collect user feedback and suggestions.
3. Fixed an issue where task time could not be displayed in some date formats.
4. Simplified steps for delaying a task.
Wise Auto Shutdown 2.0.3 Jun 16, 2023 1. When setting the Sleep and Hibernate tasks, it will detect whether the system has enabled hibernation.
2. Added a link to explain the difference between Sleep and Hibernate.
Wise Auto Shutdown 2.0.2 Jun 9, 2022 1. Newly added the Dark Mode.
2. Improved some icons to be compatible with 125% and 175% system scaling.
3. Fixed some bugs in the previous version.
Wise Auto Shutdown 2.0.1 Sep 2, 2021 1. Adopted a new UI, compatible with the system scaling setting.
2. Fixed the problem that the task was not executed due to the user manually modifying the system time.
3. Added a new function - Lock Screen.
4. Updated language files.
5. Fixed known bugs.
Wise Auto Shutdown 1.7.8 Apr 29, 2020 1, Fixed the issue that the time displayed on the tray icon is incorrect.
2, GUI, and usability improvements.
3, Updated various translations.
Wise Auto Shutdown 1.7.7 Apr 27, 2020 1, Fixed some issues from the users' feedback.
2, GUI and usability improvements.
3, Updated various translations.
Wise Auto Shutdown 1.54 Oct 21, 2016 1, Fixed the issue of being unable to run properly in limited account.
2, Five minutes countdown reminder which is always on top.
3, GUI and usability improvements.
4, Updated various translations.
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