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Xeoma software

Xeoma - releases history

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Version Change log
Xeoma 24.9.24 Sep 25, 2024 All changes and improvements from the previous official version Xeoma 24.9.2.
Fixed crash of the Android app when used on devices that do not support the recent design changes.
Fixed web interface login issues when logging in with a user account – both in Xeoma for desktops and Xeoma Cloud.
Xeoma 24.2.14 Sep 2, 2024 All changes and improvements from three previous beta versions – 24.8.12, 24.8.2 and 24.7.9.
Added the mechanism to check if the machine launching a Xeoma Client uses one of the languages mentioned above – if it does, the client will be launched in that language. You can choose another language in Xeoma’s Main menu -> Information -> Language. Your choice will be remembered and applied for all the following launches.
Xeoma Pro: When first added, the recently released new intellectual module “Voice-to-text” will automatically select the language in which the client is displayed as the language in which to save the transcripts.
Eliminated the issue where cameras would ‘freeze’ if the client had been ‘minimized’ and not viewed for a while.
Xeoma localized into 33 more languages:
Xeoma 24.8.12 Aug 12, 2024 All changes and improvements from two previous beta versions – 24.8.2 and 24.7.9.
Xeoma Pro: Added the new intellectual module “Voice-to-text” that uses a camera’s audio stream to detect speech and converts it to text in CSV reports or overlays it in preview.
Xeoma 24.2.14 / 24 Jul 10, 2024 Preview and Archive: New feature: when hovering the cursor over the timeline in Xeoma’s Archive Player, you will now get to see small thumbnails – mini preview pictures of some key frames within those episodes, much like when viewing a video on YouTube. Those mini previews will showcase key frames of the recording episode your mouse is hovering over, thus compressing hours of recordings into seconds to watch through.
Remote Access: An easy way to connect – with a QR code – has been added for Android-powered devices. Now you can generate a QR code in Xeoma’s ‘Users’ dialog, which will contain all connection data needed to connect to that Server part of Xeoma from a Xeoma Client. Just scan the QR code with the special option in your Xeoma for Android app’s Connection Dialog (Main menu -> Remote access -> Connect to). The QR code will work for both ‘Administrator’ and a ‘User’ of Xeoma, with regular IP-address connection and with P2P connection.
Support for hardware acceleration on AMD Radeon graphics cards has been added! Also, hardware acceleration used for decoding of camera video streams has been greatly improved in Windows and Linux systems using Intel processors or Nvidia graphics cards.
Preview and Archive: A noise reduction option ‘Enable noise reduction’ has been added to the settings of the ‘Preview and Archive’ module. The option works with any audio types in Xeoma, and delivers clean sound even when the direct saving to the archive is used. This feature becomes available for all cameras if Xeoma Pro license for at least 1 camera is activated, and also for Xeoma Pro Trial edition.
Text Recognition: Special optimizations for working with meter readings have been added to the ‘Text Recognition’ module. To take advantage of this feature, check the new ‘Meter’ setting, and the module will switch to a mode optimized for working specifically with meters of various types (water, electric, natural gas ones, etc.).
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Xeoma 23.12.7 Dec 7, 2023
Xeoma 23.8.10 Aug 10, 2023 Fixed operation of artificial intelligence options in the ‘Motion Detector’, ‘Object Recognizer’, ‘Cross-Line Detector’, ‘Visitors Counter’, ‘Parking Spots’ modules. Before the fix, there had been an issue that in old operating systems the modules would sometimes stop working after the Xeoma update, and in new UNIX-based systems Xeoma would sometimes display a false warning that a few more libraries were required for these features to function.
Xeoma 23.7.4 Jul 12, 2023 Added new licensing model for the ‘Object Recognizer’ Additional module! Now, in addition to usual licenses for recognizing objects of the desired type (drones and airplanes / seabirds / people, vehicles, animals and others), this module will also accept a new, universal license that will allow you to use any type of objects you need. A new license is purchased for the number of cameras on the server that will use the “Object Recognizer” module multiplied by the number of different types of objects. See more in the Object Recognizer Setup Guide
P2P: Added support for P2P connection in the ‘HTTP Upload to Other Xeoma‘ and ‘HTTP Receiver‘ modules.
Preview and Archive: Added the new ‘Latest position (global)’ choice in the Xeoma Archive Viewer’s ‘Start position’ option. This new option will make it easier to watch archive recordings of an event across different cameras in Xeoma’s Archive Viewer since recordings will be starting playback in the same date and time spot.
Xeoma 22.12.5 Dec 5, 2022
Xeoma 22.10.12 Oct 12, 2022
Xeoma 22.3.16 Mar 16, 2022
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