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xplorer² software

xplorer² - releases history

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Version Change log
xplorer² Nov 8, 2021
xplorer² Mar 17, 2020 Sorry we have lost some of the translations that weren't really updated for a number of versions. I hope this will persuade some of the native speakers to volunteer and take over the abandoned projects. A free xplorer² license is offered to all translators!
[P] TOOLS > BACKUP COPY menu copies all items (and their subfolders) from the active to the inactive pane (the backup location, e.g. a USB drive) using "overwrite if newer else skip" robust transfer option. This will only copy new and changed files, and skip those that are unchanged since the last backup. If you want to use a filter to exclude some files, use szBackupFilter registry tweak (see REGISTRY.TXT). This is not new functionality, only a convenient wrap-up of the robust copy dialog for the backup task.
If using the ribbon UI, you will find this command under COPY TO button
xplorer² Nov 20, 2019 better handling of mass rename regular expressions, to be used for filename case changing. The down side is that now all search and replace regexp operations are case sensitive
dark shell context sumbenus and other small dark secrets
multi-monitor manifest is optional, must be selected during installation, because it causes problems for some users
when you manually request folder sizes with <CTRL+D> keys, and if a folder item is selected, then size will be calculated just for the selected folders. This doesn't affect people that have folder size on all the time.
xplorer² May 15, 2019 Cloud storage improvements for Google drive file stream and Box cloud drive
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